Transforming your engagement strategies to drive commercial performance
Becoming a ‘great place to work’ can have a truly significant impact on commercial performance, customer advocacy and employer reputation.
Driving Motivation and Productivity
We have significant experience in developing meaningful engagement programmes, engaging (even the most sceptical) leaders on why this matters, and driving significant improvements in engagement levels. We also know from first hand experience the size of the prize in becoming a recognised Best Company to work for.
Simple and Pragmatic Solutions
We can support your engagement aims in other ways and can work with you to develop a plan to ensure your Engagement survey is not simply a once a year event but is fully integrated into an annual calendar of activity to drive real action and change.
Best Practise solutions we could support you with include:
Incorporating why engagement matters into leadership development programmes.
Linking your engagement results with other commercial, customer and people metrics.
Facilitating ‘Culture Web’ or ‘World Café’ sessions with your people to engage them on ‘where we are’ and ‘where we want to be’ .
Transforming your communication programmes to inform, involve and inspire your people.
Developing simple and effective ‘Action Planning’ processes which drive real change at both company and local team level.
Establishing local champions in each team to drive ownership of local team action plans for ‘keeping them alive’.
Developing strategies to ensure engagement is not simply an ‘annual survey’ but is integral to how you lead and a high performance culture.
Equipping people at every level in the organisation – Directors, Senior Leaders, First Line Managers and Team Members – to own and drive engagement will have a truly positive impact on getting you where you want to be.